Exam question database for the Ultralight pilot

Questions for the ULL(A) exam in English

10 students enrolled
Created by Aero Prague
Last updated 5. 3. 2025
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385 €
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Test questions database for the UL Aircraft Pilot Examination (LAA Czech Republic)

Online access to exam questions in English language

We have prepared a set of exam questions from the Light Aircraft Association of the Czech Republic (LAA) with explanations and study materials to help you prepare perfectly for the theory test. If you can answer these questions 80% correctly, then the questions on the theory test will no longer surprise you.

In addition, the questions are accompanied by explanations of the topic and picture attachments to help you understand the context.

How do the different exam modes work?

Study mode

For questions in the study mode, the correct answer is displayed after the question is answered, so you know immediately if you have answered correctly and can learn the questions efficiently. In each subject, all available questions are shown (the total number is shown next to the subject name). The questions are always in the same order (so you know where you eventually ended up), but the answers are sorted randomly.

Final exam

The final exams for the subjects are in the same format as those issued by the Light Aircraft Association of the Czech Republic, i.e. a random selection of a few questions from the whole database, the correct answer is no longer displayed for the question and you only find out the result at the end of the test, just like in the real exam. There is a time limit for the test. There is no limit to the number of tests you can take.

You must pass the final test with an LAA inspector with a minimum of 75%.

You can book the course online here

1 user access for 4 devices (PC, tablet, mobile, etc.). Access is for 1 year.

Also available in Czech version


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